Module insolf
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import numpy as np
from numpy import linalg as LA
from insolation import atmosf
Functions to compute insolation over tilted surfaces or complex terrain.
Javier G. Corripio 2023
aspect(dem,dlxy,degrees = False):
Calculates the aspect or orientation of the slope of every grid cell in a digital elevation model (DEM).
cgrad(dem, dlxy, cArea = False):
Computes a unit vector normal to every grid cell in a digital elevation model.
daylength(latitude, longitude, jd, tmz):
Computes duration of day light for a given latitude and Julian Day.
Computes declination from Julian Date.
doshade(dem, res, sun_v, num_sweeps=1):
Computes cast shadows over a DEM
python implementation from openamundsen package based on the f90 function in R insol
by Florian Hanzer
Computes the equation of time for a given Julian Date.
Hour angle, internal function for solar position.
Computes the intensity of illumination over a surface (DEM) according to the position of the sun.
Computes direct and diffuse solar irradiance perpendicular to the beam, for a given zenith angle, Julian Day, altitude and atmospheric conditions.
julian_day(y, m, d, h, min = 0, sec = 0):
Computes Julian Day (days np.since January 1, 4713 BCE at noon UTC).
Calculates a unit vector normal to a surface defined by slope inclination and slope orientation.
slope(dem,dlxy,degrees = False):
Calculates the inclination of the slope of every grid cell in a digital elevation model (DEM). Zero is an horizontal surface.
Returns a matrix of azimuth and zenith angles of the sun given the unit vectors from the observer to the direction of the sun.
Calculates the Earth radius vector.
Calculates a unit vector in the direction of the sun from the observer position.
def aspect(dem,dlxy,degrees = False):
Calculates the aspect or orientation of the slope of every grid cell in a digital elevation model (DEM)
dem, ndarray (2D, float), Digital Elevation Model with elevation data.
dlxy, int, resolution of the DEM, pixel size along x and y coordinates.
degrees, boolean, if True return degrees instead of radians.
aspect, 2D ndarray of floats of the same size as the input dem.
# Calculates the aspect of every grid cell of a DEM in the Pyrennes and plot it
from insolation import insolf
import rasterio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
demP ='')
dlxy = demP.res[0]
dem =
demaspect = insolf.aspect(dem,dlxy,degrees = True)
plt.imshow(demaspect, cmap='Greys_r')
plt.title("Aspect of every grid cell of a DEM in the Pyrenees")
demcgrad = cgrad(dem,dlxy)
y = demcgrad[1,:,:]
x = demcgrad[0,:,:]
aspct = np.arctan2(y,x) + np.pi/2
aspct[aspct < 0] = aspct[aspct < 0] + 2 * np.pi
if (degrees):
aspct = np.degrees(aspct)
def cgrad(dem, dlxy, cArea = False):
Computes a unit vector normal to every grid cell in a digital elevation model.
dem, ndarray (2D, float), Digital Elevation Model with elevation data
dlxy, int, resolution of the DEM, pixel size along x and y coordinates.
cArea, boolean, if True returns the surface area of every grid cell instead of the gradient.
cArea, boolean, if True returns a 2D matrix with the surface area of every grid cell.
cellgrunit, ndarray float, a 3D matrix corresponding to the x, y, z coordinates of a unit vector
perpendicular to every grid cell.
If cArea is True, the result is a 2D matrix with the surface area of every grid cell.
# Visualize x, y z components of vectors normal to a DEM representing a regular pyramid
from insolation import insolf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ncols = 100
nrows = 100
# you can play with the height to see how the z-component becomes smaller as the height increases and the pyramid becomes steeper
height = 500
nh = 2*height/ncols
m = np.zeros([ncols,nrows])
for i in np.arange(ncols):
for j in np.arange(nrows):
grdm = insolf.cgrad(m,1)
xcomponent = grdm[0,:,:]
ycomponent = grdm[1,:,:]
zcomponent = grdm[2,:,:]
titletext = ['xcomponent','ycomponent','zcomponent']
plt.imshow(m, cmap='Greys_r')
plt.title('DEM of a pyramid')
print("press 'q' to continue")
for p in np.arange(3):
# plt.imshow(grdm[p,:,:], cmap='Greys_r',vmin=-1, vmax=1)
plt.imshow(grdm[p,:,:], cmap='Greys_r')
plt.contour(m, cmap='Greys_r')
print("press 'q' to continue")
# Visualize x, y , z components of vector normal to surface for a DEM of the Pyrenees
# To make the coordinates agree with solar position convention, vector coordinates are positive eastwards, southwards and upward.
from insolation import insolf
import rasterio
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# It would be faster if you download the DEM to your local computer
demP ='')
dlxy = demP.res[0]
dem =
demgrd = insolf.cgrad(dem,dlxy)
xcomponent = demgrd[0,:,:]
ycomponent = demgrd[1,:,:]
zcomponent = demgrd[2,:,:]
titletext = ['xcomponent','ycomponent','zcomponent']
plt.imshow(dem, cmap='Greys_r')
plt.title('DEM of the Pyrenees')
print("press 'q' to continue")
for p in np.arange(3):
plt.imshow(demgrd[p,:,:], cmap='Greys_r')
print("press 'q' to contiqnue")
dem = dem[::-1,...] # flip dem to conform python x, y order to to insol coordinate system convention
rows, cols = dem.shape
cellgr = np.zeros((3, rows, cols))
mm = dem
md = mm[:-1, 1:]
mr = mm[1:, :-1]
mrd = mm[1:, 1:]
cellgr[1, :-1, :-1] = -0.5 * dlxy * (mm[:-1, :-1] + md - mr - mrd)
cellgr[0, :-1, :-1] = 0.5 * dlxy * (mm[:-1, :-1] - md + mr - mrd)
cellgr[2, :-1, :-1] = dlxy * dlxy
cellgr = np.flip(cellgr, axis=1) # flip results back
cellArea = LA.norm(cellgr,axis=0)
cellgrunit = np.divide(cellgr,cellArea)
if cArea:
def daylength(latitude, longitude, jd, tmz):
Computes duration of day light for a given latitude and Julian Day.
latitude, float, latitude in degrees and decimal fraction.
longitude, float, longitude in degrees and decimal fraction.
jd, float, Julian Day, see help(insolf.julian_day).
tmz, float, Timezone, west of Greenwich is negative.
sunrise, sunset, duration of day light in hours, ndarray of floats of
shape (3, n) where n is length of input array.
Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating
terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous
terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23.
It considers sunrise and sunset as the time when the center of the sun passes above or below the horizon.
It does not take into account limb, summer time, atmospheric refraction or twilight.
To add, refraction, dip due to observer altitude and more.
from insolation import insolf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Day length at Greenwich Observatory on the 21st of March
# array([ 6.10004075, 18.14060504, 12.04056429])
# Daylength at Reykjavík on the 21st of June
insolf.daylength(64.12,-21.87, 2460117.0, 0)
# array([ 3.26596303, 23.70863056, 20.44266753])
# Daylength for the whole 2023 year at Reykjavík
jd2023noon = np.arange(insolf.julian_day(2023,1,1,12),insolf.julian_day(2023,12,31,12)+1)
doy = jd2023noon - jd2023noon[0] + 1
day_length = insolf.daylength(64.12, -21.87, jd2023noon, 0)
plt.xlabel('Day of the year')
plt.ylabel('Day length [h]')
plt.title('Daylength over the year at Reykjavík')
EqTime = eqtime(jd)
delta = declination(jd)
tanlatdel = -np.tan(np.radians(latitude)) * np.tan(np.radians(delta))
tanlatdel = np.where(tanlatdel > 1, 1, tanlatdel)
tanlatdel = np.where(tanlatdel < -1, -1, tanlatdel)
omega = np.arccos(tanlatdel)
daylen = (2*omega)/(2*np.pi/24.)
stndmeridian = tmz*15.
deltaLatTime = longitude-stndmeridian
deltaLatTime = deltaLatTime * 24/360.
sunrise = 12*(1-omega/np.pi)-deltaLatTime-EqTime/60.
sunset = 12*(1+omega/np.pi)-deltaLatTime-EqTime/60.
sunrise = np.where(omega == 0, np.nan, sunrise)
sunset = np.where(omega == 0, np.nan, sunset)
def declination(jd):
Computes declination from Julian Date.
jd, float, Julian date
float, declination in degrees and decimal fraction
Meeus, J. 1999. Astronomical Algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Reda, I. and Andreas, A. 2003. Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications. 55 pp.;
NREL Report No. TP-560-34302, Revised January 2008.
# Current time declination
from insolation import insolf
import datetime
tt =
jd = insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,tt.hour+tt.minute/60.+tt.second/3600.)
decl = insolf.declination(jd)
T = (jd - 2451545)/36525
epsilon = (23 + 26/60 + 21.448/3600) - (46.815/3600) * T - (0.00059/3600) * T**2 + (0.001813/3600) * T**3
L0 = 280.46645 + 36000.76983 * T + 0.0003032 * T**2
M = 357.5291 + 35999.0503 * T - 0.0001559 * T**2 - 4.8e-07 * T**3
e = 0.016708617 - 4.2037e-05 * T - 1.236e-07 * T**2
C = (1.9146 - 0.004817 * T - 1.4e-05 * T**2) * np.sin(np.radians(M)) + \
(0.019993 - 0.000101 * T) * np.sin(2 * np.radians(M)) + 0.00029 * np.sin(3 * np.radians(M))
Theta = L0 + C
v = M + C
Omega = 125.04452 - 1934.136261 * T + 0.0020708 * T**2 + (T**3)/450000
lambdad = Theta - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * np.sin(np.radians(Omega))
delta = np.arcsin(np.sin(np.radians(epsilon)) * np.sin(np.radians(lambdad)))
def doshade(dem, res, sun_v, num_sweeps=1):
Computes cast shadows over a DEM
unorthodox way to call the function to avoid unnecessary imports (numba) if not used.
python implementation from openamundsen package based on the f90 function in R insol
by Florian Hanzer
dem, ndrray, Digital elevation Model 2D array
res, int, resolution of the DEM (pixel size)
sun_v, float array, unit vector in the direction of the sun
2D array of the same shade as dem with 1 for illuminated pixels and 0 for pixels in the shade
Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating
terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous
terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1),
# Calculate and plot the cast shadows of a pyramid with the sun at the northwest and 15 degrees elevation
from insolation import insolf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# define the sun vector: northwest at 15 degrees elevation
sv = insolf.normalvector(75,315)
# define broadly a regular pyramid
ncols = 100
nrows = 100
height = 50
nh = 2*height/ncols
m = np.zeros([ncols,nrows])
for i in np.arange(ncols):
for j in np.arange(nrows):
# place it on a larger flat area
mm = np.zeros([500,500])
mm[200:300,200:300] = m
# calculate and plot shadows
sh = insolf.doshade(mm, 1, sv)
plt.imshow(sh, cmap='Greys_r')
plt.title('Shadow of a Pyramid with the sun at 315 azimuth, 15 elevation')
print("press 'q' to continue")
from insolation import shadows
return(shadows.shadows(dem, res, sun_v, num_sweeps))
def eqtime(jd):
Computes the equation of time for a given Julian Date.
jd, float, Julian date.
float, equation of time in minutes.
Meeus, J. 1999. Astronomical Algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Reda, I. and Andreas, A. 2003. Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications. 55 pp.;
NREL Report No. TP-560-34302, Revised January 2008.
from insolation import insolf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# plot the equation of time for 2023 at daily intervals
jd2023noon = np.arange(insolf.julian_day(2023,1,1,12),insolf.julian_day(2023,12,31,12)+1)
plt.axhline(y=0.0, linestyle='-', color='k', linewidth=0.5)
plt.xlabel('Day of the year')
plt.ylabel('Equation of time [minutes]')
# Analema
plt.plot(insolf.eqtime(jd2023noon), insolf.declination(jd2023noon))
# Analema viewed from Greenwich Observatory
latGwch = 51.4791
x = 180 + insolf.eqtime(jd2023noon) * 15/60
y = 90 - latGwch + insolf.declination(jd2023noon)
# plt.plot(x,y)
plt.scatter(x,y,s=40, facecolors='none', edgecolors='k')
plt.title('Equation of time for 2023 at daily intervals')
# Add the solstices and equinoxes (nearest day, see Meeus ch. 26 for more precision)
decl = insolf.declination(jd2023noon)
wintersolstice = np.argmin(decl)
summersolstice = np.argmax(decl)
# equinoxes when decl is closest to zero, find spring of=n first half of the year and then autumn (for N hemisphere)
springequinox = np.argmin(np.abs(decl[0:180]))
autumnequinox = 180 + np.argmin(np.abs(decl[180:365]))
nodeseqx = ([springequinox,summersolstice,autumnequinox,wintersolstice])
plt.scatter(x,y,s=40, facecolors='none', edgecolors='k')
plt.scatter(x[nodeseqx],y[nodeseqx], s=80, facecolors='c', edgecolors='k')
plt.title('Analema, equinoxes and solstices from Greenwich')
jdc = (jd - 2451545.0)/36525.0
sec = 21.448 - jdc*(46.8150 + jdc*(0.00059 - jdc*(0.001813)))
e0 = 23.0 + (26.0 + (sec/60.0))/60.0
ecc = 0.016708634 - jdc * (0.000042037 + 0.0000001267 * jdc)
oblcorr = e0 + 0.00256 * np.cos(np.radians(125.04 - 1934.136 * jdc))
y = (np.tan(np.radians(oblcorr)/2))**2
l0 = 280.46646 + jdc * (36000.76983 + jdc*(0.0003032))
l0 = (l0-360*(l0//360))%360
rl0 = np.radians(l0)
gmas = 357.52911 + jdc * (35999.05029 - 0.0001537 * jdc)
gmas = np.radians(gmas)
EqTime = y*np.sin(2*rl0)-2.0*ecc*np.sin(gmas)+4.0*ecc*y*np.sin(gmas)*np.cos(2*rl0)-0.5*y**2*np.sin(4*rl0)-1.25*ecc**2*np.sin(2*gmas)
def hourangle(jd,longitude,timezone):
Hour angle, internal function for solar position.
jd, float, Julian date
longitude, float, longitude in decimal degrees
timezone, float, timezone in hours, west of Greenwich is negative
hour = ((jd-np.floor(jd))*24+12) % 24
eqtimeval = eqtime(jd)
stndmeridian = timezone*15
deltalontime = longitude-stndmeridian
deltalontime = deltalontime * 24.0/360.0
omegar = np.pi*( ( (hour + deltalontime + eqtimeval/60)/12.0 ) - 1.0)
def hillshading(dem,dlxy,sunv):
Computes the intensity of illumination over a surface (DEM) according to the position of the sun.
dem, ndrray, Digital elevation Model 2D array
dlxy, int, resolution of the DEM (pixel size)
sunv, float array, unit vector in the direction of the sun
hsh, ndarray of floats of the same dimensions as dem Illumination intensity ranging from 0 to 1
Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating
terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous
terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1),
from insolation import insolf
import rasterio
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
demP ='')
dlxy = demP.res[0]
dem =
# Sun at azimuth 315, 35 degrees elevation
sv = insolf.normalvector(55,315)
grd = insolf.cgrad(dem,dlxy)
hsh = grd[0,:,:]*sv[0] + grd[1,:,:]*sv[1] + grd[2,:,:]*sv[2]
# remove negative incidence angles (self shading)
hsh = (hsh+np.abs(hsh))/2
plt.imshow(hsh, cmap='Greys_r',vmin=0, vmax=1)
# Add cast shadows
sh = insolf.doshade(dem, dlxy, sv)
plt.imshow(hsh*sh, cmap='Greys_r',vmin=0, vmax=1)
demcgrad = cgrad(dem,dlxy)
hsh = demcgrad[0,:,:]*sunv[0] + demcgrad[1,:,:]*sunv[1] + demcgrad[2,:,:]*sunv[2]
hsh = (hsh + abs(hsh))/2.0 # set to zero self-shading pixels
def insolation(zenith,jd,height,visibility,RH,tempK,O3,alphag):
Computes direct and diffuse solar irradiance perpendicular to the beam, for a given
zenith angle, Julian Day, altitude and atmospheric conditions.
zenith Zenith angle in degrees
jd Julian Day
height Altitude above sea level
visibility Visibility [km]
RH Relative humidity [%]
tempK Air temperature [K]
O3 Ozone thickness [m]
alphag Albedo of the surrounding terrain [0 to 1]
array-like, first element is direct radiation, second element is diffuse radiation.
If any input is an array First row is direct radiation and second row diffuse radiation
Bird, R. E. and Hulstrom, R. L. (1981a) Review, evaluation and improvements of direct irradiance models,
Trans. ASME J. Solar Energy Eng. 103, 182-192.
Bird, R. E. and Hulstrom, R. L. (1981b) A simplified clear sky model for direct
and diffuse insolation on horizontal surfaces,
Technical Report SERI/TR-642-761, Solar Research Institute, Golden, Colorado.
Iqbal, M. (1983) An Introduction to Solar Radiation, Academic Press, Toronto.
from insolation import insolf
import datetime
import rasterio
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from tabulate import tabulate
# Daily insolation in Spring
# Find nearest hour to sunrise and sunset
TIMESTAMP = "2023-03-21 12:00:00"
tt = datetime.datetime.strptime(TIMESTAMP,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
jd = insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,tt.hour+tt.minute/60.+tt.second/3600.)
latitude = 42.675
longitude = 0.033
timezone = 1
sr,ss,dl = insolf.daylength(42.675,0.033, jd, timezone)
sr = np.ceil(sr)
ss = np.floor(ss)
sr2ss = np.arange(sr,ss)
jdrng = insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,sr2ss)
sunv = insolf.sunvector(jdrng,latitude,longitude,timezone)
azimuth,zenith = insolf.sunpos(sunv)
height = 2000
visibility = 60
RH = 55
tempK = 285.0
O3 = 0.02
alphag = 0.2
Idir,Idiff = insolf.insolation(zenith,jdrng,height,visibility,RH,tempK,O3,alphag)
Hnormal = np.array([0,0,1])
IdirHoriz = Idir *,Hnormal)
print("Hourly direct normal, direct horizontal and diffuse insolation at 43.7N, 0E, Spring")
print(tabulate({"Hour": sr2ss,"I_direct_normal": Idir, "I_direct_horizontal": IdirHoriz, "I_diff": Idiff}, headers="keys"))
Hour I_direct_normal I_direct_horizontal I_diff
------ ----------------- --------------------- --------
8 487.849 83.0165 58.1299
9 723.68 253.228 87.8123
10 829.915 419.907 101.989
11 884.963 555.478 110.169
12 912.945 645.265 114.711
13 922.682 680.859 116.373
14 916.784 659.104 115.362
15 893.716 581.95 111.559
16 846.622 456.52 104.389
17 756.851 295.762 92.0956
18 567.277 122.506 68.1983
# plot the results for the whole day
dayh = np.arange(0,24,5/60) # every 5 minutes
jdrng = insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,dayh)
sunv = insolf.sunvector(jdrng,latitude,longitude,timezone)
azimuth,zenith = insolf.sunpos(sunv)
Idir,Idiff = insolf.insolation(zenith,jdrng,height,visibility,RH,tempK,O3,alphag)
IdirHoriz = Idir *,Hnormal)
plt.plot(dayh,Idir,'r', label='Direct Normal')
plt.plot(dayh,IdirHoriz,'y', label='Direct Horizontal')
plt.plot(dayh,Idiff,'c', label='Diffuse')
plt.legend(loc="upper left")
plt.ylabel('Insolation Wm$^{-2}$')
plt.title("Direct normal, direct horizontal and diffuse insolation at 43.7N, 0E, Spring")
# Alternatively, loop over every hour
# Compute insolation on a DEM of the pyrenees:
demP ='')
# demP ='dempyrenees.tif')
dlxy = demP.res[0]
dem =
I_tot = np.zeros(dem.shape)
for i in np.arange(len(dayh)):
sunv = insolf.sunvector(jdrng[i],latitude,longitude,timezone)
azimuth,zenith = insolf.sunpos(sunv)
hsh = insolf.hillshading(dem,dlxy,sunv)
Idir,Idiff = insolf.insolation(zenith,jdrng[i],height,visibility,RH,tempK,O3,alphag)
# Global insolation in MJ/m^2
W2MJ = 3600e-6 # Watts/m^2 to MJ/m^2 hourly computation
I_tot = I_tot + W2MJ*Idir*hsh + W2MJ*Idiff # The diffuse fraction should consider the skyview factor for a propper calculation... to be implemented
plt.imshow(I_tot, cmap='plasma')
plt.title("Dayly insolation over the Pyrenees in Spring $MJ^{-2}$")
Isc = 1361.0 # solar constant (Wm**(-2)) (1)
zenith = np.where(zenith > 90, 90, zenith)
theta = np.radians(zenith)
ssctalb = 0.9 # single scattering albedo (aerosols)(Iqbal, 1983)
Fc = 0.84 # ratio of forward to total energy scattered (Iqbal, 1983)
Pz = atmosf.z2p(height)
Mr = 1.0/(np.cos(theta)+0.15*((93.885-zenith)**(-1.253)))
Ma = Mr*Pz/1013.25
#** Use Lowe(1977) Lowe's polynomials for vapor pressure
wvap_s = atmosf.wvapsat(tempK)
#Wprec = 0.493*(RH/100.0)*wvap_s/tempK #precipitable water in cm Leckner (1978)
Wprec = 46.5*(RH/100.0)*wvap_s/tempK #Prata 1996
rho2 = (1/sunr(jd))**2
TauR = np.exp((-.09030*(Ma**0.84) )*(1.0+Ma-(Ma**1.01)) )
TauO = 1.0-( ( 0.1611*(O3*Mr)*(1.0+139.48*(O3*Mr))**(-0.3035) ) - 0.002715*(O3*Mr)*( 1.0+0.044*(O3*Mr)+0.0003*(O3*Mr)**2 )**(-1))
TauG = np.exp(-0.0127*(Ma**0.26))
TauW = 1.0-2.4959*(Wprec*Mr)*( (1.0+79.034*(Wprec*Mr))**0.6828 + 6.385*(Wprec*Mr) )**(-1)
TauA = ( 0.97-1.265*(visibility**(-0.66)) )**(Ma**0.9) #Machler, 1983
TauTotal = TauR*TauO*TauG*TauW*TauA
In = 0.9751*rho2*Isc*TauTotal
tauaa = 1.0-(1.0-ssctalb)*(1.0-Ma+Ma**1.06)*(1.0-TauA)
# tauaa = 1 - (1 - ssctalb) * (1 - Ma + Ma^1.06) * (1 - TauA)
Idr = 0.79*rho2*Isc*np.cos(theta)*TauO*TauG*TauW*tauaa*0.5*(1.0-TauR)/(1.0-Ma+Ma**(1.02))
tauas = (TauA)/tauaa
Ida = 0.79*rho2*Isc*np.cos(theta)*TauO*TauG*TauW*tauaa*Fc*(1.0-tauas)/(1.0-Ma+Ma**1.02)
alpha_atmos = 0.0685+(1.0-Fc)*(1.0-tauas)
Idm = (In*np.cos(theta)+Idr+Ida)*alphag*alpha_atmos/(1.0-alphag*alpha_atmos)
Id = Idr+Ida+Idm
In = np.where(zenith >= 90, 0, In) # Set In=0 if after sunset
Id = np.where(zenith >= 90, 0, Id)
def julian_day(Y, m, d, H, min = 0, sec = 0):
Computes Julian Day (days since January 1, 4713 BCE at noon UTC)
from 1990 edition of the U.S. Naval Observatory's Almanac for Computers Valid AD 1801 - 2099
Y (int) Year, format yyyy
m (short int) Month number.
d (short int) Day-of-month.
H (float) Hour-of-day and decimal fraction.
float, Julian Day (days since January 1, 4713 BCE at noon UTC)
check results
from insolation import insolf
import datetime
TIMESTAMP = "2023-09-23 06:00:00"
tt = datetime.datetime.strptime(TIMESTAMP,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
insolf.julian_day(2023,21,3,12) # Check the month/day order, it will accept months > 12 without warning
H = H + min/60.0 + sec/3600.0
tjd = 367*Y - (7*(Y+(m+9)//12))//4 + (275*m)//9 + d + 1721013.5 + H/24.0
def normalvector(slope,aspect):
Calculates a unit vector normal to a surface defined by slope inclination and slope orientation.
slope (float) slope inclination in degrees
aspect (float) slope orientation in degrees
float vector
Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating
terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous
terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1),
from insolation import insolf
import numpy as np
# horizontal surface
# array([ 0., -0., 1.])
# surface 45 degrees south
# array([8.65956056e-17, 7.07106781e-01, 7.07106781e-01])
sloper = np.radians(slope)
aspectr = np.radians(aspect)
nvx = np.sin(aspectr)*np.sin(sloper)
nvy = -np.cos(aspectr)*np.sin(sloper)
nvz = np.cos(sloper)
def slope(dem,dlxy,degrees = False):
Calculates the inclination of the slope of every grid cell in a digital elevation model (DEM). Zero is an horizontal surface.
dem, ndarray (2D, float), Digital Elevation Model with elevation data.
dlxy, int, resolution of the DEM, pixel size along x and y coordinates.
degrees, boolean, if True return degrees instead of radians.
slp, 2D ndarray of floats of the same size as the input dem.
# Calculates the slope of every grid cell of a DEM in the Pyrennes and plot it
from insolation import insolf
import rasterio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
demP ='')
dlxy = demP.res[0]
dem =
demslope = insolf.slope(dem,dlxy,degrees = True)
plt.imshow(demslope, cmap='Greys')
demcgrad = cgrad(dem,dlxy)
z = demcgrad[2,:,:]
slp = np.arccos(z)
if (degrees):
slp = np.degrees(slp)
slp = slp
def sunpos(sunv, degrees=True):
Returns a matrix of azimuth and zenith angles of the sun given the unit vectors from the observer to the direction of the sun.
sunv (float or array of floats) coordinates x, y, z of the unit vector in the direction of the sun
array of azimuth and zenith angles
Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating
terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous
terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1),
from insolation import insolf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Julian Day hourly intervals at spring equinox
jdrng = insolf.julian_day(2013,3,21,np.arange(7, 20))
# sun path over the day at sprint equinox in the Pyrenees
latitude = 42.675
longitude = 0.033
tmz = 1
azimuth, zenith = insolf.sunpos(insolf.sunvector(jdrng,latitude,longitude,tmz))
elevation = 90-zenith
plt.scatter(azimuth,elevation,s=240, facecolors='y', edgecolors='y')
azimuth = np.pi - np.arctan2(sunv[0],sunv[1] )
zenith = np.arccos(sunv[2])
if degrees:
azimuth = np.degrees(azimuth)
zenith = np.degrees(zenith)
def sunr(jd):
Calculates the Earth radius vector.
jd Julian Day.
float Earth Radius Vector in Astronomical Units (AU).
Meeus, J. 1999. Astronomical Algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Richmond, Virginia, USA.
Reda, I. and Andreas, A. 2003. Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications. 55 pp.;
NREL Report No. TP-560-34302, Revised January 2008.
# Plot the variation of the earth radius vector over two years
from insolation import insolf
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
ndays = np.arange(730)
jd_nexty = insolf.julian_day(2013,1,11,12) + ndays
sun_r = insolf.sunr(jd_nexty)
plt.axhline(y=1.0, linestyle='-', color='k', linewidth=0.5)
jdc=(jd - 2451545.0)/36525.0
seqc=np.sin(gmasr)*(1.914602-jdc*(0.004817+0.000014*jdc))+np.sin(2*gmas)*(0.019993-0.000101*jdc)+ np.sin(3*gmasr)*0.000289
sunrv=(1.000001018 * (1 - ecc**2)) / (1 + ecc * np.cos(np.radians(sta)))
def sunvector(jd,latitude,longitude,timezone):
Calculates a unit vector in the direction of the sun from the observer position.
jd (float) Julian date
latitude (float) Latitude of observer in degrees and decimal fraction
longitude (float) Longitude of observer in degrees and decimal fraction
timezone (float) Timezone in hours, west of Greenwich is negative
float vector or array of vectors.
Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating
terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous
terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1),
from insolation import insolf
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Current solar vector at Greenwich Observatory on the 21st of June, 2023 at midday
latitude = 51.4778
longitude = -0.0017
tmz = 0
jd = insolf.julian_day(2023,6,21,12)
# Path of the sun over Greenwich in summer, z axis in degrees of elevation
jdrng = insolf.julian_day(2023,6,21,np.arange(4,20.5,0.5))
sv = insolf.sunvector(jdrng,latitude,longitude,0)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = plt.axes(projection ='3d')
x = sv[0,:]
y = sv[1,:]
z = 90 - np.degrees(np.arccos(sv[2,:]))
ax.plot3D(x, y, z, 'orange')
ax.set_title('Sun position from Greenwich on the 21st of June')
omegar = hourangle(jd,longitude,timezone)
deltar = np.radians(declination(jd))
lambdar = np.radians(latitude)
svx = -np.sin(omegar)*np.cos(deltar)
svy = np.sin(lambdar)*np.cos(omegar)*np.cos(deltar)-np.cos(lambdar)*np.sin(deltar)
svz = np.cos(lambdar)*np.cos(omegar)*np.cos(deltar)+np.sin(lambdar)*np.sin(deltar)
def aspect(dem, dlxy, degrees=False)
Calculates the aspect or orientation of the slope of every grid cell in a digital elevation model (DEM)
dem, ndarray (2D, float), Digital Elevation Model with elevation data. dlxy, int, resolution of the DEM, pixel size along x and y coordinates.
degrees, boolean, if True return degrees instead of radians.
aspect, 2D ndarray of floats of the same size as the input dem.
# Calculates the aspect of every grid cell of a DEM in the Pyrennes and plot it from insolation import insolf import rasterio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt demP ='') dlxy = demP.res[0] dem = demaspect = insolf.aspect(dem,dlxy,degrees = True) plt.imshow(demaspect, cmap='Greys_r') plt.colorbar() plt.title("Aspect of every grid cell of a DEM in the Pyrenees")
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def aspect(dem,dlxy,degrees = False): """ Calculates the aspect or orientation of the slope of every grid cell in a digital elevation model (DEM) Parameters ---------- dem, ndarray (2D, float), Digital Elevation Model with elevation data. dlxy, int, resolution of the DEM, pixel size along x and y coordinates. Keywords -------- degrees, boolean, if True return degrees instead of radians. Returns ------- aspect, 2D ndarray of floats of the same size as the input dem. Examples -------- # Calculates the aspect of every grid cell of a DEM in the Pyrennes and plot it from insolation import insolf import rasterio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt demP ='') dlxy = demP.res[0] dem = demaspect = insolf.aspect(dem,dlxy,degrees = True) plt.imshow(demaspect, cmap='Greys_r') plt.colorbar() plt.title("Aspect of every grid cell of a DEM in the Pyrenees") """ demcgrad = cgrad(dem,dlxy) y = demcgrad[1,:,:] x = demcgrad[0,:,:] aspct = np.arctan2(y,x) + np.pi/2 aspct[aspct < 0] = aspct[aspct < 0] + 2 * np.pi if (degrees): aspct = np.degrees(aspct) return(aspct)
def cgrad(dem, dlxy, cArea=False)
Computes a unit vector normal to every grid cell in a digital elevation model.
dem, ndarray (2D, float), Digital Elevation Model with elevation data dlxy, int, resolution of the DEM, pixel size along x and y coordinates. cArea, boolean, if True returns the surface area of every grid cell instead of the gradient.
cArea, boolean, if True returns a 2D matrix with the surface area of every grid cell.
cellgrunit, ndarray float, a 3D matrix corresponding to the x, y, z coordinates of a unit vector perpendicular to every grid cell. If cArea is True, the result is a 2D matrix with the surface area of every grid cell.
# Visualize x, y z components of vectors normal to a DEM representing a regular pyramid from insolation import insolf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ncols = 100 nrows = 100 # you can play with the height to see how the z-component becomes smaller as the height increases and the pyramid becomes steeper height = 500 nh = 2*height/ncols m = np.zeros([ncols,nrows]) for i in np.arange(ncols): for j in np.arange(nrows): m[i,j]=height-max(abs(nh*i-height),abs(nh*j-height)) grdm = insolf.cgrad(m,1) xcomponent = grdm[0,:,:] ycomponent = grdm[1,:,:] zcomponent = grdm[2,:,:] titletext = ['xcomponent','ycomponent','zcomponent'] plt.imshow(m, cmap='Greys_r') plt.colorbar() plt.contour(m) plt.title('DEM of a pyramid') print("press 'q' to continue") for p in np.arange(3): # plt.imshow(grdm[p,:,:], cmap='Greys_r',vmin=-1, vmax=1) plt.imshow(grdm[p,:,:], cmap='Greys_r') plt.colorbar() plt.contour(m, cmap='Greys_r') plt.title(titletext[p]) print("press 'q' to continue") # Visualize x, y , z components of vector normal to surface for a DEM of the Pyrenees # To make the coordinates agree with solar position convention, vector coordinates are positive eastwards, southwards and upward. from insolation import insolf import rasterio import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # It would be faster if you download the DEM to your local computer demP ='') dlxy = demP.res[0] dem = demgrd = insolf.cgrad(dem,dlxy) xcomponent = demgrd[0,:,:] ycomponent = demgrd[1,:,:] zcomponent = demgrd[2,:,:] titletext = ['xcomponent','ycomponent','zcomponent'] plt.imshow(dem, cmap='Greys_r') plt.colorbar() plt.contour(dem) plt.title('DEM of the Pyrenees') print("press 'q' to continue") for p in np.arange(3): plt.imshow(demgrd[p,:,:], cmap='Greys_r') plt.colorbar() plt.title(titletext[p]) print("press 'q' to contiqnue")
Expand source code
def cgrad(dem, dlxy, cArea = False): """ Computes a unit vector normal to every grid cell in a digital elevation model. Parameters ---------- dem, ndarray (2D, float), Digital Elevation Model with elevation data dlxy, int, resolution of the DEM, pixel size along x and y coordinates. cArea, boolean, if True returns the surface area of every grid cell instead of the gradient. Keywords -------- cArea, boolean, if True returns a 2D matrix with the surface area of every grid cell. Returns ------- cellgrunit, ndarray float, a 3D matrix corresponding to the x, y, z coordinates of a unit vector perpendicular to every grid cell. If cArea is True, the result is a 2D matrix with the surface area of every grid cell. Examples -------- # Visualize x, y z components of vectors normal to a DEM representing a regular pyramid from insolation import insolf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ncols = 100 nrows = 100 # you can play with the height to see how the z-component becomes smaller as the height increases and the pyramid becomes steeper height = 500 nh = 2*height/ncols m = np.zeros([ncols,nrows]) for i in np.arange(ncols): for j in np.arange(nrows): m[i,j]=height-max(abs(nh*i-height),abs(nh*j-height)) grdm = insolf.cgrad(m,1) xcomponent = grdm[0,:,:] ycomponent = grdm[1,:,:] zcomponent = grdm[2,:,:] titletext = ['xcomponent','ycomponent','zcomponent'] plt.imshow(m, cmap='Greys_r') plt.colorbar() plt.contour(m) plt.title('DEM of a pyramid') print("press 'q' to continue") for p in np.arange(3): # plt.imshow(grdm[p,:,:], cmap='Greys_r',vmin=-1, vmax=1) plt.imshow(grdm[p,:,:], cmap='Greys_r') plt.colorbar() plt.contour(m, cmap='Greys_r') plt.title(titletext[p]) print("press 'q' to continue") # Visualize x, y , z components of vector normal to surface for a DEM of the Pyrenees # To make the coordinates agree with solar position convention, vector coordinates are positive eastwards, southwards and upward. from insolation import insolf import rasterio import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # It would be faster if you download the DEM to your local computer demP ='') dlxy = demP.res[0] dem = demgrd = insolf.cgrad(dem,dlxy) xcomponent = demgrd[0,:,:] ycomponent = demgrd[1,:,:] zcomponent = demgrd[2,:,:] titletext = ['xcomponent','ycomponent','zcomponent'] plt.imshow(dem, cmap='Greys_r') plt.colorbar() plt.contour(dem) plt.title('DEM of the Pyrenees') print("press 'q' to continue") for p in np.arange(3): plt.imshow(demgrd[p,:,:], cmap='Greys_r') plt.colorbar() plt.title(titletext[p]) print("press 'q' to contiqnue") """ dem = dem[::-1,...] # flip dem to conform python x, y order to to insol coordinate system convention rows, cols = dem.shape cellgr = np.zeros((3, rows, cols)) mm = dem md = mm[:-1, 1:] mr = mm[1:, :-1] mrd = mm[1:, 1:] cellgr[1, :-1, :-1] = -0.5 * dlxy * (mm[:-1, :-1] + md - mr - mrd) cellgr[0, :-1, :-1] = 0.5 * dlxy * (mm[:-1, :-1] - md + mr - mrd) cellgr[2, :-1, :-1] = dlxy * dlxy cellgr[:,:,-1]=cellgr[:,:,-2] cellgr[:,-1,:]=cellgr[:,-2,:] cellgr = np.flip(cellgr, axis=1) # flip results back cellArea = LA.norm(cellgr,axis=0) cellgrunit = np.divide(cellgr,cellArea) if cArea: return(cellArea) else: return(cellgrunit)
def daylength(latitude, longitude, jd, tmz)
Computes duration of day light for a given latitude and Julian Day.
latitude, float, latitude in degrees and decimal fraction. longitude, float, longitude in degrees and decimal fraction. jd, float, Julian Day, see help(insolf.julian_day). tmz, float, Timezone, west of Greenwich is negative.
sunrise, sunset, duration of day light in hours, ndarray of floats of shape (3, n) where n is length of input array.
Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23. <>
It considers sunrise and sunset as the time when the center of the sun passes above or below the horizon. It does not take into account limb, summer time, atmospheric refraction or twilight. To add, refraction, dip due to observer altitude and more.
from insolation import insolf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Day length at Greenwich Observatory on the 21st of March insolf.daylength(51.4767,0.0,insolf.julian_day(2023,3,21,12),0) # array([ 6.10004075, 18.14060504, 12.04056429]) # Daylength at Reykjavík on the 21st of June insolf.julian_day(2023,6,21,12) 2460117.0 insolf.daylength(64.12,-21.87, 2460117.0, 0) # array([ 3.26596303, 23.70863056, 20.44266753]) # Daylength for the whole 2023 year at Reykjavík jd2023noon = np.arange(insolf.julian_day(2023,1,1,12),insolf.julian_day(2023,12,31,12)+1) doy = jd2023noon - jd2023noon[0] + 1 day_length = insolf.daylength(64.12, -21.87, jd2023noon, 0) plt.plot(doy,day_length[2,:]) plt.xlabel('Day of the year') plt.ylabel('Day length [h]') plt.ylim(0,24) plt.title('Daylength over the year at Reykjavík')
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def daylength(latitude, longitude, jd, tmz): """ Computes duration of day light for a given latitude and Julian Day. Parameters ---------- latitude, float, latitude in degrees and decimal fraction. longitude, float, longitude in degrees and decimal fraction. jd, float, Julian Day, see help(insolf.julian_day). tmz, float, Timezone, west of Greenwich is negative. Returns ------- sunrise, sunset, duration of day light in hours, ndarray of floats of shape (3, n) where n is length of input array. References ---------- Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23. Notes ----- It considers sunrise and sunset as the time when the center of the sun passes above or below the horizon. It does not take into account limb, summer time, atmospheric refraction or twilight. To add, refraction, dip due to observer altitude and more. Examples -------- from insolation import insolf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Day length at Greenwich Observatory on the 21st of March insolf.daylength(51.4767,0.0,insolf.julian_day(2023,3,21,12),0) # array([ 6.10004075, 18.14060504, 12.04056429]) # Daylength at Reykjavík on the 21st of June insolf.julian_day(2023,6,21,12) 2460117.0 insolf.daylength(64.12,-21.87, 2460117.0, 0) # array([ 3.26596303, 23.70863056, 20.44266753]) # Daylength for the whole 2023 year at Reykjavík jd2023noon = np.arange(insolf.julian_day(2023,1,1,12),insolf.julian_day(2023,12,31,12)+1) doy = jd2023noon - jd2023noon[0] + 1 day_length = insolf.daylength(64.12, -21.87, jd2023noon, 0) plt.plot(doy,day_length[2,:]) plt.xlabel('Day of the year') plt.ylabel('Day length [h]') plt.ylim(0,24) plt.title('Daylength over the year at Reykjavík') """ EqTime = eqtime(jd) delta = declination(jd) tanlatdel = -np.tan(np.radians(latitude)) * np.tan(np.radians(delta)) tanlatdel = np.where(tanlatdel > 1, 1, tanlatdel) tanlatdel = np.where(tanlatdel < -1, -1, tanlatdel) omega = np.arccos(tanlatdel) daylen = (2*omega)/(2*np.pi/24.) stndmeridian = tmz*15. deltaLatTime = longitude-stndmeridian deltaLatTime = deltaLatTime * 24/360. sunrise = 12*(1-omega/np.pi)-deltaLatTime-EqTime/60. sunset = 12*(1+omega/np.pi)-deltaLatTime-EqTime/60. sunrise = np.where(omega == 0, np.nan, sunrise) sunset = np.where(omega == 0, np.nan, sunset) return(np.array([sunrise,sunset,daylen]))
def declination(jd)
Computes declination from Julian Date.
jd, float, Julian date
float, declination in degrees and decimal fraction
<> Meeus, J. 1999. Astronomical Algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Richmond, Virginia, USA. Reda, I. and Andreas, A. 2003. Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications. 55 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-560-34302, Revised January 2008. <>
# Current time declination from insolation import insolf import datetime tt = jd = insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,tt.hour+tt.minute/60.+tt.second/3600.) decl = insolf.declination(jd)
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def declination(jd): """ Computes declination from Julian Date. Parameters ---------- jd, float, Julian date Returns ------- float, declination in degrees and decimal fraction References ---------- Meeus, J. 1999. Astronomical Algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Richmond, Virginia, USA. Reda, I. and Andreas, A. 2003. Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications. 55 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-560-34302, Revised January 2008. Examples -------- # Current time declination from insolation import insolf import datetime tt = jd = insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,tt.hour+tt.minute/60.+tt.second/3600.) decl = insolf.declination(jd) """ T = (jd - 2451545)/36525 epsilon = (23 + 26/60 + 21.448/3600) - (46.815/3600) * T - (0.00059/3600) * T**2 + (0.001813/3600) * T**3 L0 = 280.46645 + 36000.76983 * T + 0.0003032 * T**2 M = 357.5291 + 35999.0503 * T - 0.0001559 * T**2 - 4.8e-07 * T**3 e = 0.016708617 - 4.2037e-05 * T - 1.236e-07 * T**2 C = (1.9146 - 0.004817 * T - 1.4e-05 * T**2) * np.sin(np.radians(M)) + \ (0.019993 - 0.000101 * T) * np.sin(2 * np.radians(M)) + 0.00029 * np.sin(3 * np.radians(M)) Theta = L0 + C v = M + C Omega = 125.04452 - 1934.136261 * T + 0.0020708 * T**2 + (T**3)/450000 lambdad = Theta - 0.00569 - 0.00478 * np.sin(np.radians(Omega)) delta = np.arcsin(np.sin(np.radians(epsilon)) * np.sin(np.radians(lambdad))) return(np.degrees(delta))
def doshade(dem, res, sun_v, num_sweeps=1)
Computes cast shadows over a DEM unorthodox way to call the function to avoid unnecessary imports (numba) if not used. python implementation from openamundsen package based on the f90 function in R insol by Florian Hanzer
dem, ndrray, Digital elevation Model 2D array res, int, resolution of the DEM (pixel size) sun_v, float array, unit vector in the direction of the sun num_sweeps
2D array of the same shade as dem with 1 for illuminated pixels and 0 for pixels in the shade
Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23. <>
# Calculate and plot the cast shadows of a pyramid with the sun at the northwest and 15 degrees elevation from insolation import insolf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # define the sun vector: northwest at 15 degrees elevation sv = insolf.normalvector(75,315) # define broadly a regular pyramid ncols = 100 nrows = 100 height = 50 nh = 2*height/ncols m = np.zeros([ncols,nrows]) for i in np.arange(ncols): for j in np.arange(nrows): m[i,j]=height-max(abs(nh*i-height),abs(nh*j-height)) # place it on a larger flat area mm = np.zeros([500,500]) mm[200:300,200:300] = m # calculate and plot shadows sh = insolf.doshade(mm, 1, sv) plt.imshow(sh, cmap='Greys_r') plt.colorbar() plt.contour(mm) plt.title('Shadow of a Pyramid with the sun at 315 azimuth, 15 elevation') print("press 'q' to continue")
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def doshade(dem, res, sun_v, num_sweeps=1): """ Computes cast shadows over a DEM unorthodox way to call the function to avoid unnecessary imports (numba) if not used. python implementation from openamundsen package based on the f90 function in R insol by Florian Hanzer Parameters ---------- dem, ndrray, Digital elevation Model 2D array res, int, resolution of the DEM (pixel size) sun_v, float array, unit vector in the direction of the sun num_sweeps Returns ------- 2D array of the same shade as dem with 1 for illuminated pixels and 0 for pixels in the shade References ---------- Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23. Examples -------- # Calculate and plot the cast shadows of a pyramid with the sun at the northwest and 15 degrees elevation from insolation import insolf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # define the sun vector: northwest at 15 degrees elevation sv = insolf.normalvector(75,315) # define broadly a regular pyramid ncols = 100 nrows = 100 height = 50 nh = 2*height/ncols m = np.zeros([ncols,nrows]) for i in np.arange(ncols): for j in np.arange(nrows): m[i,j]=height-max(abs(nh*i-height),abs(nh*j-height)) # place it on a larger flat area mm = np.zeros([500,500]) mm[200:300,200:300] = m # calculate and plot shadows sh = insolf.doshade(mm, 1, sv) plt.imshow(sh, cmap='Greys_r') plt.colorbar() plt.contour(mm) plt.title('Shadow of a Pyramid with the sun at 315 azimuth, 15 elevation') print("press 'q' to continue") """ from insolation import shadows return(shadows.shadows(dem, res, sun_v, num_sweeps))
def eqtime(jd)
Computes the equation of time for a given Julian Date.
jd, float, Julian date.
float, equation of time in minutes.
<> Meeus, J. 1999. Astronomical Algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Richmond, Virginia, USA. Reda, I. and Andreas, A. 2003. Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications. 55 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-560-34302, Revised January 2008. <>
from insolation import insolf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plot the equation of time for 2023 at daily intervals jd2023noon = np.arange(insolf.julian_day(2023,1,1,12),insolf.julian_day(2023,12,31,12)+1) plt.plot(insolf.eqtime(jd2023noon)) plt.axhline(y=0.0, linestyle='-', color='k', linewidth=0.5) plt.xlabel('Day of the year') plt.ylabel('Equation of time [minutes]') # Analema plt.plot(insolf.eqtime(jd2023noon), insolf.declination(jd2023noon)) # Analema viewed from Greenwich Observatory latGwch = 51.4791 x = 180 + insolf.eqtime(jd2023noon) * 15/60 y = 90 - latGwch + insolf.declination(jd2023noon) # plt.plot(x,y) plt.scatter(x,y,s=40, facecolors='none', edgecolors='k') plt.xlabel("Azimuth") plt.ylabel("Elevation") plt.ylim(0,90) plt.title('Equation of time for 2023 at daily intervals') # Add the solstices and equinoxes (nearest day, see Meeus ch. 26 for more precision) decl = insolf.declination(jd2023noon) wintersolstice = np.argmin(decl) summersolstice = np.argmax(decl) # equinoxes when decl is closest to zero, find spring of=n first half of the year and then autumn (for N hemisphere) springequinox = np.argmin(np.abs(decl[0:180])) autumnequinox = 180 + np.argmin(np.abs(decl[180:365])) nodeseqx = ([springequinox,summersolstice,autumnequinox,wintersolstice]) plt.scatter(x,y,s=40, facecolors='none', edgecolors='k') plt.scatter(x[nodeseqx],y[nodeseqx], s=80, facecolors='c', edgecolors='k') plt.xlabel("Azimuth") plt.ylabel("Elevation") plt.ylim(0,90) plt.title('Analema, equinoxes and solstices from Greenwich')
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def eqtime(jd): """ Computes the equation of time for a given Julian Date. Parameters ---------- jd, float, Julian date. Returns ------- float, equation of time in minutes. References ---------- Meeus, J. 1999. Astronomical Algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Richmond, Virginia, USA. Reda, I. and Andreas, A. 2003. Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications. 55 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-560-34302, Revised January 2008. Examples -------- from insolation import insolf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # plot the equation of time for 2023 at daily intervals jd2023noon = np.arange(insolf.julian_day(2023,1,1,12),insolf.julian_day(2023,12,31,12)+1) plt.plot(insolf.eqtime(jd2023noon)) plt.axhline(y=0.0, linestyle='-', color='k', linewidth=0.5) plt.xlabel('Day of the year') plt.ylabel('Equation of time [minutes]') # Analema plt.plot(insolf.eqtime(jd2023noon), insolf.declination(jd2023noon)) # Analema viewed from Greenwich Observatory latGwch = 51.4791 x = 180 + insolf.eqtime(jd2023noon) * 15/60 y = 90 - latGwch + insolf.declination(jd2023noon) # plt.plot(x,y) plt.scatter(x,y,s=40, facecolors='none', edgecolors='k') plt.xlabel("Azimuth") plt.ylabel("Elevation") plt.ylim(0,90) plt.title('Equation of time for 2023 at daily intervals') # Add the solstices and equinoxes (nearest day, see Meeus ch. 26 for more precision) decl = insolf.declination(jd2023noon) wintersolstice = np.argmin(decl) summersolstice = np.argmax(decl) # equinoxes when decl is closest to zero, find spring of=n first half of the year and then autumn (for N hemisphere) springequinox = np.argmin(np.abs(decl[0:180])) autumnequinox = 180 + np.argmin(np.abs(decl[180:365])) nodeseqx = ([springequinox,summersolstice,autumnequinox,wintersolstice]) plt.scatter(x,y,s=40, facecolors='none', edgecolors='k') plt.scatter(x[nodeseqx],y[nodeseqx], s=80, facecolors='c', edgecolors='k') plt.xlabel("Azimuth") plt.ylabel("Elevation") plt.ylim(0,90) plt.title('Analema, equinoxes and solstices from Greenwich') """ jdc = (jd - 2451545.0)/36525.0 sec = 21.448 - jdc*(46.8150 + jdc*(0.00059 - jdc*(0.001813))) e0 = 23.0 + (26.0 + (sec/60.0))/60.0 ecc = 0.016708634 - jdc * (0.000042037 + 0.0000001267 * jdc) oblcorr = e0 + 0.00256 * np.cos(np.radians(125.04 - 1934.136 * jdc)) y = (np.tan(np.radians(oblcorr)/2))**2 l0 = 280.46646 + jdc * (36000.76983 + jdc*(0.0003032)) l0 = (l0-360*(l0//360))%360 rl0 = np.radians(l0) gmas = 357.52911 + jdc * (35999.05029 - 0.0001537 * jdc) gmas = np.radians(gmas) EqTime = y*np.sin(2*rl0)-2.0*ecc*np.sin(gmas)+4.0*ecc*y*np.sin(gmas)*np.cos(2*rl0)-0.5*y**2*np.sin(4*rl0)-1.25*ecc**2*np.sin(2*gmas) return(np.degrees(EqTime)*4)
def hillshading(dem, dlxy, sunv)
Computes the intensity of illumination over a surface (DEM) according to the position of the sun.
dem, ndrray, Digital elevation Model 2D array dlxy, int, resolution of the DEM (pixel size) sunv, float array, unit vector in the direction of the sun
hsh, ndarray of floats of the same dimensions as dem Illumination intensity ranging from 0 to 1
Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23. <>
from insolation import insolf import rasterio import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt demP ='') dlxy = demP.res[0] dem = # Sun at azimuth 315, 35 degrees elevation sv = insolf.normalvector(55,315) grd = insolf.cgrad(dem,dlxy) hsh = grd[0,:,:]*sv[0] + grd[1,:,:]*sv[1] + grd[2,:,:]*sv[2] # remove negative incidence angles (self shading) hsh = (hsh+np.abs(hsh))/2 plt.imshow(hsh, cmap='Greys_r',vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.colorbar() # Add cast shadows sh = insolf.doshade(dem, dlxy, sv) plt.imshow(hsh*sh, cmap='Greys_r',vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.colorbar()
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def hillshading(dem,dlxy,sunv): """ Computes the intensity of illumination over a surface (DEM) according to the position of the sun. Parameters ---------- dem, ndrray, Digital elevation Model 2D array dlxy, int, resolution of the DEM (pixel size) sunv, float array, unit vector in the direction of the sun Returns ------- hsh, ndarray of floats of the same dimensions as dem Illumination intensity ranging from 0 to 1 References ---------- Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23. Examples -------- from insolation import insolf import rasterio import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt demP ='') dlxy = demP.res[0] dem = # Sun at azimuth 315, 35 degrees elevation sv = insolf.normalvector(55,315) grd = insolf.cgrad(dem,dlxy) hsh = grd[0,:,:]*sv[0] + grd[1,:,:]*sv[1] + grd[2,:,:]*sv[2] # remove negative incidence angles (self shading) hsh = (hsh+np.abs(hsh))/2 plt.imshow(hsh, cmap='Greys_r',vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.colorbar() # Add cast shadows sh = insolf.doshade(dem, dlxy, sv) plt.imshow(hsh*sh, cmap='Greys_r',vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.colorbar() """ demcgrad = cgrad(dem,dlxy) hsh = demcgrad[0,:,:]*sunv[0] + demcgrad[1,:,:]*sunv[1] + demcgrad[2,:,:]*sunv[2] hsh = (hsh + abs(hsh))/2.0 # set to zero self-shading pixels return(hsh)
def hourangle(jd, longitude, timezone)
Hour angle, internal function for solar position.
jd, float, Julian date longitude, float, longitude in decimal degrees timezone, float, timezone in hours, west of Greenwich is negative
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def hourangle(jd,longitude,timezone): """ Hour angle, internal function for solar position. Parameters ---------- jd, float, Julian date longitude, float, longitude in decimal degrees timezone, float, timezone in hours, west of Greenwich is negative """ hour = ((jd-np.floor(jd))*24+12) % 24 eqtimeval = eqtime(jd) stndmeridian = timezone*15 deltalontime = longitude-stndmeridian deltalontime = deltalontime * 24.0/360.0 omegar = np.pi*( ( (hour + deltalontime + eqtimeval/60)/12.0 ) - 1.0) return(omegar)
def insolation(zenith, jd, height, visibility, RH, tempK, O3, alphag)
Computes direct and diffuse solar irradiance perpendicular to the beam, for a given zenith angle, Julian Day, altitude and atmospheric conditions.
zenith Zenith angle in degrees jd Julian Day height Altitude above sea level visibility Visibility [km] RH Relative humidity [%] tempK Air temperature [K] O3 Ozone thickness [m] alphag Albedo of the surrounding terrain [0 to 1]
array-like, first element is direct radiation, second element is diffuse radiation. If any input is an array First row is direct radiation and second row diffuse radiation
Bird, R. E. and Hulstrom, R. L. (1981a) Review, evaluation and improvements of direct irradiance models, Trans. ASME J. Solar Energy Eng. 103, 182-192. Bird, R. E. and Hulstrom, R. L. (1981b) A simplified clear sky model for direct and diffuse insolation on horizontal surfaces, Technical Report SERI/TR-642-761, Solar Research Institute, Golden, Colorado. Iqbal, M. (1983) An Introduction to Solar Radiation, Academic Press, Toronto.
from insolation import insolf import datetime import rasterio import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from tabulate import tabulate insolf.insolation(30,2456007,3200,28,60,278.15,0.02,0.2) # Daily insolation in Spring # Find nearest hour to sunrise and sunset TIMESTAMP = "2023-03-21 12:00:00" tt = datetime.datetime.strptime(TIMESTAMP,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') jd = insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,tt.hour+tt.minute/60.+tt.second/3600.) latitude = 42.675 longitude = 0.033 timezone = 1 sr,ss,dl = insolf.daylength(42.675,0.033, jd, timezone) sr = np.ceil(sr) ss = np.floor(ss) sr2ss = np.arange(sr,ss) jdrng = insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,sr2ss) sunv = insolf.sunvector(jdrng,latitude,longitude,timezone) azimuth,zenith = insolf.sunpos(sunv) height = 2000 visibility = 60 RH = 55 tempK = 285.0 O3 = 0.02 alphag = 0.2 Idir,Idiff = insolf.insolation(zenith,jdrng,height,visibility,RH,tempK,O3,alphag) Hnormal = np.array([0,0,1]) IdirHoriz = Idir *,Hnormal) print("Hourly direct normal, direct horizontal and diffuse insolation at 43.7N, 0E, Spring") print(tabulate({"Hour": sr2ss,"I_direct_normal": Idir, "I_direct_horizontal": IdirHoriz, "I_diff": Idiff}, headers="keys")) Hour I_direct_normal I_direct_horizontal I_diff ------ ----------------- --------------------- -------- 8 487.849 83.0165 58.1299 9 723.68 253.228 87.8123 10 829.915 419.907 101.989 11 884.963 555.478 110.169 12 912.945 645.265 114.711 13 922.682 680.859 116.373 14 916.784 659.104 115.362 15 893.716 581.95 111.559 16 846.622 456.52 104.389 17 756.851 295.762 92.0956 18 567.277 122.506 68.1983 # plot the results for the whole day dayh = np.arange(0,24,5/60) # every 5 minutes jdrng = insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,dayh) sunv = insolf.sunvector(jdrng,latitude,longitude,timezone) azimuth,zenith = insolf.sunpos(sunv) Idir,Idiff = insolf.insolation(zenith,jdrng,height,visibility,RH,tempK,O3,alphag) IdirHoriz = Idir *,Hnormal) plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) plt.plot(dayh,Idir,'r', label='Direct Normal') plt.plot(dayh,IdirHoriz,'y', label='Direct Horizontal') plt.plot(dayh,Idiff,'c', label='Diffuse') plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.grid(visible=True,linestyle="-.") plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Insolation Wm$^{-2}$') plt.title("Direct normal, direct horizontal and diffuse insolation at 43.7N, 0E, Spring") plt.ylim(0,1380) # Alternatively, loop over every hour # Compute insolation on a DEM of the pyrenees: demP ='') # demP ='dempyrenees.tif') dlxy = demP.res[0] dem = I_tot = np.zeros(dem.shape) for i in np.arange(len(dayh)): sunv = insolf.sunvector(jdrng[i],latitude,longitude,timezone) azimuth,zenith = insolf.sunpos(sunv) hsh = insolf.hillshading(dem,dlxy,sunv) Idir,Idiff = insolf.insolation(zenith,jdrng[i],height,visibility,RH,tempK,O3,alphag) # Global insolation in MJ/m^2 W2MJ = 3600e-6 # Watts/m^2 to MJ/m^2 hourly computation I_tot = I_tot + W2MJ*Idir*hsh + W2MJ*Idiff # The diffuse fraction should consider the skyview factor for a propper calculation... to be implemented plt.imshow(I_tot, cmap='plasma') plt.colorbar() plt.title("Dayly insolation over the Pyrenees in Spring $MJ^{-2}$")
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def insolation(zenith,jd,height,visibility,RH,tempK,O3,alphag): """ Computes direct and diffuse solar irradiance perpendicular to the beam, for a given zenith angle, Julian Day, altitude and atmospheric conditions. Parameters ---------- zenith Zenith angle in degrees jd Julian Day height Altitude above sea level visibility Visibility [km] RH Relative humidity [%] tempK Air temperature [K] O3 Ozone thickness [m] alphag Albedo of the surrounding terrain [0 to 1] Returns ------- array-like, first element is direct radiation, second element is diffuse radiation. If any input is an array First row is direct radiation and second row diffuse radiation References ---------- Bird, R. E. and Hulstrom, R. L. (1981a) Review, evaluation and improvements of direct irradiance models, Trans. ASME J. Solar Energy Eng. 103, 182-192. Bird, R. E. and Hulstrom, R. L. (1981b) A simplified clear sky model for direct and diffuse insolation on horizontal surfaces, Technical Report SERI/TR-642-761, Solar Research Institute, Golden, Colorado. Iqbal, M. (1983) An Introduction to Solar Radiation, Academic Press, Toronto. Examples -------- from insolation import insolf import datetime import rasterio import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from tabulate import tabulate insolf.insolation(30,2456007,3200,28,60,278.15,0.02,0.2) # Daily insolation in Spring # Find nearest hour to sunrise and sunset TIMESTAMP = "2023-03-21 12:00:00" tt = datetime.datetime.strptime(TIMESTAMP,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') jd = insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,tt.hour+tt.minute/60.+tt.second/3600.) latitude = 42.675 longitude = 0.033 timezone = 1 sr,ss,dl = insolf.daylength(42.675,0.033, jd, timezone) sr = np.ceil(sr) ss = np.floor(ss) sr2ss = np.arange(sr,ss) jdrng = insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,sr2ss) sunv = insolf.sunvector(jdrng,latitude,longitude,timezone) azimuth,zenith = insolf.sunpos(sunv) height = 2000 visibility = 60 RH = 55 tempK = 285.0 O3 = 0.02 alphag = 0.2 Idir,Idiff = insolf.insolation(zenith,jdrng,height,visibility,RH,tempK,O3,alphag) Hnormal = np.array([0,0,1]) IdirHoriz = Idir *,Hnormal) print("Hourly direct normal, direct horizontal and diffuse insolation at 43.7N, 0E, Spring") print(tabulate({"Hour": sr2ss,"I_direct_normal": Idir, "I_direct_horizontal": IdirHoriz, "I_diff": Idiff}, headers="keys")) Hour I_direct_normal I_direct_horizontal I_diff ------ ----------------- --------------------- -------- 8 487.849 83.0165 58.1299 9 723.68 253.228 87.8123 10 829.915 419.907 101.989 11 884.963 555.478 110.169 12 912.945 645.265 114.711 13 922.682 680.859 116.373 14 916.784 659.104 115.362 15 893.716 581.95 111.559 16 846.622 456.52 104.389 17 756.851 295.762 92.0956 18 567.277 122.506 68.1983 # plot the results for the whole day dayh = np.arange(0,24,5/60) # every 5 minutes jdrng = insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,dayh) sunv = insolf.sunvector(jdrng,latitude,longitude,timezone) azimuth,zenith = insolf.sunpos(sunv) Idir,Idiff = insolf.insolation(zenith,jdrng,height,visibility,RH,tempK,O3,alphag) IdirHoriz = Idir *,Hnormal) plt.figure(figsize=(10,6)) plt.plot(dayh,Idir,'r', label='Direct Normal') plt.plot(dayh,IdirHoriz,'y', label='Direct Horizontal') plt.plot(dayh,Idiff,'c', label='Diffuse') plt.legend(loc="upper left") plt.grid(visible=True,linestyle="-.") plt.xlabel('Time') plt.ylabel('Insolation Wm$^{-2}$') plt.title("Direct normal, direct horizontal and diffuse insolation at 43.7N, 0E, Spring") plt.ylim(0,1380) # Alternatively, loop over every hour # Compute insolation on a DEM of the pyrenees: demP ='') # demP ='dempyrenees.tif') dlxy = demP.res[0] dem = I_tot = np.zeros(dem.shape) for i in np.arange(len(dayh)): sunv = insolf.sunvector(jdrng[i],latitude,longitude,timezone) azimuth,zenith = insolf.sunpos(sunv) hsh = insolf.hillshading(dem,dlxy,sunv) Idir,Idiff = insolf.insolation(zenith,jdrng[i],height,visibility,RH,tempK,O3,alphag) # Global insolation in MJ/m^2 W2MJ = 3600e-6 # Watts/m^2 to MJ/m^2 hourly computation I_tot = I_tot + W2MJ*Idir*hsh + W2MJ*Idiff # The diffuse fraction should consider the skyview factor for a propper calculation... to be implemented plt.imshow(I_tot, cmap='plasma') plt.colorbar() plt.title("Dayly insolation over the Pyrenees in Spring $MJ^{-2}$") """ Isc = 1361.0 # solar constant (Wm**(-2)) (1) zenith = np.where(zenith > 90, 90, zenith) theta = np.radians(zenith) ssctalb = 0.9 # single scattering albedo (aerosols)(Iqbal, 1983) Fc = 0.84 # ratio of forward to total energy scattered (Iqbal, 1983) Pz = atmosf.z2p(height) Mr = 1.0/(np.cos(theta)+0.15*((93.885-zenith)**(-1.253))) Ma = Mr*Pz/1013.25 #** Use Lowe(1977) Lowe's polynomials for vapor pressure wvap_s = atmosf.wvapsat(tempK) #Wprec = 0.493*(RH/100.0)*wvap_s/tempK #precipitable water in cm Leckner (1978) Wprec = 46.5*(RH/100.0)*wvap_s/tempK #Prata 1996 rho2 = (1/sunr(jd))**2 TauR = np.exp((-.09030*(Ma**0.84) )*(1.0+Ma-(Ma**1.01)) ) TauO = 1.0-( ( 0.1611*(O3*Mr)*(1.0+139.48*(O3*Mr))**(-0.3035) ) - 0.002715*(O3*Mr)*( 1.0+0.044*(O3*Mr)+0.0003*(O3*Mr)**2 )**(-1)) TauG = np.exp(-0.0127*(Ma**0.26)) TauW = 1.0-2.4959*(Wprec*Mr)*( (1.0+79.034*(Wprec*Mr))**0.6828 + 6.385*(Wprec*Mr) )**(-1) TauA = ( 0.97-1.265*(visibility**(-0.66)) )**(Ma**0.9) #Machler, 1983 TauTotal = TauR*TauO*TauG*TauW*TauA In = 0.9751*rho2*Isc*TauTotal tauaa = 1.0-(1.0-ssctalb)*(1.0-Ma+Ma**1.06)*(1.0-TauA) # tauaa = 1 - (1 - ssctalb) * (1 - Ma + Ma^1.06) * (1 - TauA) Idr = 0.79*rho2*Isc*np.cos(theta)*TauO*TauG*TauW*tauaa*0.5*(1.0-TauR)/(1.0-Ma+Ma**(1.02)) tauas = (TauA)/tauaa Ida = 0.79*rho2*Isc*np.cos(theta)*TauO*TauG*TauW*tauaa*Fc*(1.0-tauas)/(1.0-Ma+Ma**1.02) alpha_atmos = 0.0685+(1.0-Fc)*(1.0-tauas) Idm = (In*np.cos(theta)+Idr+Ida)*alphag*alpha_atmos/(1.0-alphag*alpha_atmos) Id = Idr+Ida+Idm In = np.where(zenith >= 90, 0, In) # Set In=0 if after sunset Id = np.where(zenith >= 90, 0, Id) return(np.array([In,Id]))
def julian_day(Y, m, d, H, min=0, sec=0)
Computes Julian Day (days since January 1, 4713 BCE at noon UTC) from 1990 edition of the U.S. Naval Observatory's Almanac for Computers Valid AD 1801 - 2099
Y (int) Year, format yyyy m (short int) Month number. d (short int) Day-of-month. H (float) Hour-of-day and decimal fraction.
float, Julian Day (days since January 1, 4713 BCE at noon UTC)
<> <> <> check results <>
from insolation import insolf import datetime TIMESTAMP = "2023-09-23 06:00:00" tt = datetime.datetime.strptime(TIMESTAMP,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,tt.hour+tt.minute/60.+tt.second/3600.)) 2460210.75 insolf.julian_day(2023,21,3,12) # Check the month/day order, it will accept months > 12 without warning 2460556.0 insolf.julian_day(2024,9,3,12) 2460557.0
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def julian_day(Y, m, d, H, min = 0, sec = 0): """ Computes Julian Day (days since January 1, 4713 BCE at noon UTC) from 1990 edition of the U.S. Naval Observatory's Almanac for Computers Valid AD 1801 - 2099 Parameters ---------- Y (int) Year, format yyyy m (short int) Month number. d (short int) Day-of-month. H (float) Hour-of-day and decimal fraction. Returns ------- float, Julian Day (days since January 1, 4713 BCE at noon UTC) References ---------- check results Examples -------- from insolation import insolf import datetime TIMESTAMP = "2023-09-23 06:00:00" tt = datetime.datetime.strptime(TIMESTAMP,'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') print(insolf.julian_day(tt.year,tt.month,,tt.hour+tt.minute/60.+tt.second/3600.)) 2460210.75 insolf.julian_day(2023,21,3,12) # Check the month/day order, it will accept months > 12 without warning 2460556.0 insolf.julian_day(2024,9,3,12) 2460557.0 """ H = H + min/60.0 + sec/3600.0 tjd = 367*Y - (7*(Y+(m+9)//12))//4 + (275*m)//9 + d + 1721013.5 + H/24.0 return(tjd)
def normalvector(slope, aspect)
Calculates a unit vector normal to a surface defined by slope inclination and slope orientation.
slope (float) slope inclination in degrees aspect (float) slope orientation in degrees
float vector
Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23. <>
from insolation import insolf import numpy as np # horizontal surface insolf.normalvector(0,0) # array([ 0., -0., 1.]) # surface 45 degrees south insolf.normalvector(45,180) # array([8.65956056e-17, 7.07106781e-01, 7.07106781e-01])
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def normalvector(slope,aspect): """ Calculates a unit vector normal to a surface defined by slope inclination and slope orientation. Parameters ---------- slope (float) slope inclination in degrees aspect (float) slope orientation in degrees Returns ------- float vector References ---------- Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23. Examples -------- from insolation import insolf import numpy as np # horizontal surface insolf.normalvector(0,0) # array([ 0., -0., 1.]) # surface 45 degrees south insolf.normalvector(45,180) # array([8.65956056e-17, 7.07106781e-01, 7.07106781e-01]) """ sloper = np.radians(slope) aspectr = np.radians(aspect) nvx = np.sin(aspectr)*np.sin(sloper) nvy = -np.cos(aspectr)*np.sin(sloper) nvz = np.cos(sloper) return(np.array([nvx,nvy,nvz]))
def slope(dem, dlxy, degrees=False)
Calculates the inclination of the slope of every grid cell in a digital elevation model (DEM). Zero is an horizontal surface.
dem, ndarray (2D, float), Digital Elevation Model with elevation data. dlxy, int, resolution of the DEM, pixel size along x and y coordinates.
degrees, boolean, if True return degrees instead of radians.
slp, 2D ndarray of floats of the same size as the input dem.
# Calculates the slope of every grid cell of a DEM in the Pyrennes and plot it from insolation import insolf import rasterio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt demP ='') dlxy = demP.res[0] dem = demslope = insolf.slope(dem,dlxy,degrees = True) plt.imshow(demslope, cmap='Greys') plt.colorbar()
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def slope(dem,dlxy,degrees = False): """ Calculates the inclination of the slope of every grid cell in a digital elevation model (DEM). Zero is an horizontal surface. Parameters ---------- dem, ndarray (2D, float), Digital Elevation Model with elevation data. dlxy, int, resolution of the DEM, pixel size along x and y coordinates. Keywords -------- degrees, boolean, if True return degrees instead of radians. Returns ------- slp, 2D ndarray of floats of the same size as the input dem. Examples -------- # Calculates the slope of every grid cell of a DEM in the Pyrennes and plot it from insolation import insolf import rasterio import matplotlib.pyplot as plt demP ='') dlxy = demP.res[0] dem = demslope = insolf.slope(dem,dlxy,degrees = True) plt.imshow(demslope, cmap='Greys') plt.colorbar() """ demcgrad = cgrad(dem,dlxy) z = demcgrad[2,:,:] slp = np.arccos(z) if (degrees): slp = np.degrees(slp) slp = slp return(slp)
def sunpos(sunv, degrees=True)
Returns a matrix of azimuth and zenith angles of the sun given the unit vectors from the observer to the direction of the sun.
sunv (float or array of floats) coordinates x, y, z of the unit vector in the direction of the sun
array of azimuth and zenith angles
Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23. <>
from insolation import insolf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Julian Day hourly intervals at spring equinox jdrng = insolf.julian_day(2013,3,21,np.arange(7, 20)) # sun path over the day at sprint equinox in the Pyrenees latitude = 42.675 longitude = 0.033 tmz = 1 azimuth, zenith = insolf.sunpos(insolf.sunvector(jdrng,latitude,longitude,tmz)) elevation = 90-zenith plt.scatter(azimuth,elevation,s=240, facecolors='y', edgecolors='y')
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def sunpos(sunv, degrees=True): """ Returns a matrix of azimuth and zenith angles of the sun given the unit vectors from the observer to the direction of the sun. Parameters ---------- sunv (float or array of floats) coordinates x, y, z of the unit vector in the direction of the sun Returns ------- array of azimuth and zenith angles References ---------- Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23. Examples -------- from insolation import insolf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Julian Day hourly intervals at spring equinox jdrng = insolf.julian_day(2013,3,21,np.arange(7, 20)) # sun path over the day at sprint equinox in the Pyrenees latitude = 42.675 longitude = 0.033 tmz = 1 azimuth, zenith = insolf.sunpos(insolf.sunvector(jdrng,latitude,longitude,tmz)) elevation = 90-zenith plt.scatter(azimuth,elevation,s=240, facecolors='y', edgecolors='y') """ azimuth = np.pi - np.arctan2(sunv[0],sunv[1] ) zenith = np.arccos(sunv[2]) if degrees: azimuth = np.degrees(azimuth) zenith = np.degrees(zenith) return(np.array([azimuth,zenith]))
def sunr(jd)
Calculates the Earth radius vector.
jd Julian Day.
float Earth Radius Vector in Astronomical Units (AU).
<> Meeus, J. 1999. Astronomical Algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Richmond, Virginia, USA. Reda, I. and Andreas, A. 2003. Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications. 55 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-560-34302, Revised January 2008. <>
# Plot the variation of the earth radius vector over two years from insolation import insolf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ndays = np.arange(730) jd_nexty = insolf.julian_day(2013,1,11,12) + ndays sun_r = insolf.sunr(jd_nexty) plt.plot(ndays,sun_r) plt.axhline(y=1.0, linestyle='-', color='k', linewidth=0.5)
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def sunr(jd): """ Calculates the Earth radius vector. Parameters ---------- jd Julian Day. Returns ------- float Earth Radius Vector in Astronomical Units (AU). References ---------- Meeus, J. 1999. Astronomical Algorithms. Willmann-Bell, Richmond, Virginia, USA. Reda, I. and Andreas, A. 2003. Solar Position Algorithm for Solar Radiation Applications. 55 pp.; NREL Report No. TP-560-34302, Revised January 2008. Examples -------- # Plot the variation of the earth radius vector over two years from insolation import insolf import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt ndays = np.arange(730) jd_nexty = insolf.julian_day(2013,1,11,12) + ndays sun_r = insolf.sunr(jd_nexty) plt.plot(ndays,sun_r) plt.axhline(y=1.0, linestyle='-', color='k', linewidth=0.5) """ jdc=(jd - 2451545.0)/36525.0 ecc=0.016708634-jdc*(0.000042037+0.0000001267*jdc) gmas=357.52911+jdc*(35999.05029-0.0001537*jdc) gmasr=np.radians(gmas) seqc=np.sin(gmasr)*(1.914602-jdc*(0.004817+0.000014*jdc))+np.sin(2*gmas)*(0.019993-0.000101*jdc)+ np.sin(3*gmasr)*0.000289 sta=gmas+seqc sunrv=(1.000001018 * (1 - ecc**2)) / (1 + ecc * np.cos(np.radians(sta))) return(sunrv)
def sunvector(jd, latitude, longitude, timezone)
Calculates a unit vector in the direction of the sun from the observer position.
jd (float) Julian date latitude (float) Latitude of observer in degrees and decimal fraction longitude (float) Longitude of observer in degrees and decimal fraction timezone (float) Timezone in hours, west of Greenwich is negative
float vector or array of vectors.
Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23. <>
from insolation import insolf from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Current solar vector at Greenwich Observatory on the 21st of June, 2023 at midday latitude = 51.4778 longitude = -0.0017 tmz = 0 jd = insolf.julian_day(2023,6,21,12) insolf.sunvector(jd,latitude,longitude,0) # Path of the sun over Greenwich in summer, z axis in degrees of elevation jdrng = insolf.julian_day(2023,6,21,np.arange(4,20.5,0.5)) sv = insolf.sunvector(jdrng,latitude,longitude,0) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(projection ='3d') x = sv[0,:] y = sv[1,:] z = 90 - np.degrees(np.arccos(sv[2,:])) ax.plot3D(x, y, z, 'orange') ax.set_title('Sun position from Greenwich on the 21st of June')
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def sunvector(jd,latitude,longitude,timezone): """ Calculates a unit vector in the direction of the sun from the observer position. Parameters ---------- jd (float) Julian date latitude (float) Latitude of observer in degrees and decimal fraction longitude (float) Longitude of observer in degrees and decimal fraction timezone (float) Timezone in hours, west of Greenwich is negative Returns ------- float vector or array of vectors. References ---------- Corripio, J. G. (2003). Vectorial algebra algorithms for calculating terrain parameters from DEMs and solar radiation modelling in mountainous terrain. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 17(1), 1–23. Examples -------- from insolation import insolf from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Current solar vector at Greenwich Observatory on the 21st of June, 2023 at midday latitude = 51.4778 longitude = -0.0017 tmz = 0 jd = insolf.julian_day(2023,6,21,12) insolf.sunvector(jd,latitude,longitude,0) # Path of the sun over Greenwich in summer, z axis in degrees of elevation jdrng = insolf.julian_day(2023,6,21,np.arange(4,20.5,0.5)) sv = insolf.sunvector(jdrng,latitude,longitude,0) fig = plt.figure() ax = plt.axes(projection ='3d') x = sv[0,:] y = sv[1,:] z = 90 - np.degrees(np.arccos(sv[2,:])) ax.plot3D(x, y, z, 'orange') ax.set_title('Sun position from Greenwich on the 21st of June') """ omegar = hourangle(jd,longitude,timezone) deltar = np.radians(declination(jd)) lambdar = np.radians(latitude) svx = -np.sin(omegar)*np.cos(deltar) svy = np.sin(lambdar)*np.cos(omegar)*np.cos(deltar)-np.cos(lambdar)*np.sin(deltar) svz = np.cos(lambdar)*np.cos(omegar)*np.cos(deltar)+np.sin(lambdar)*np.sin(deltar) return(np.array([svx,svy,svz]))